★:D A. R U L E S:☆

[Sometimes people are ignore rules however there is circumstance marks in the following.]
[Generally,our style or theme must been urbanatic with technotype anime style perhaps a modern checkerboard style or star also listed up on our official style]
[Other style also can be accepted and useable as long it doesn't contain violation,sex,racism,religion will be permanently banned]

[Downloading are majorly became a problem and it also important matter for our sites to setting limited boundary on "Copycat" or "Linker"]
[All of our source are freely downloaded and can be shared however our stuff and source cannot be claimed and copyright by other people except they gained our permission]

[No payment for our showcase and our stuff(Besides,this is hobby sites)]
[Our showcase are being updated every time and might replace low rated resource]
»Project Hosting
[Suggestion and request are fully depends on fan without any violation substance ]
[We also had an "idea factory" to gain our support from our fan]

[You are allowed to work with us if you have a knowledge about HTML,JavaScript,Gif maker,Movie Maker,Experienced Gamer,Creative People or Good Graphic Illustrator]
[Outsider job are fully require as well like promote our sites or ask your friend to join our site]
[Volunteer are fully appreciate and welcomed by our sites to gain some rep]
[Positive feedback are highly recommended that used on every sites however lewd or negative feedback will be deleted and the people will be caught and banned]
[No matter how many post you posting up in our topic or post,We encourage the positive and supporting comment from that]